Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome to Bakers Dozen

I am so excited that it was suggested to start a group of girls to all scrap together to make a very unique album over a year. Anyway girls - here's to a successful scrap year and lots of fun doing it!

I'm going to introduce who we are:

Melissa Kennedy
Al Hannah
Jules Flintoff
Michelle Lugg
Aggie Miller
Belinda Warren
Chantelle Machar
Richelle Barker
Ali Woods
Raqual Ricardo
Raquel Pert
Julie Hayward
Jennifer Wilkinson
Ros Madeley

Yes, 13 of us. The Bakers Dozen from Geelong !!!!!!

I'd so love it if we can organise a quick coffee one day, all of us girls, and get a snapshot photo to pop on the blog header! What do you think?

Look forward to getting to know you all and seeing some of our projects up here on the blog.

This is not something you have to do as you complete them. Some of you may not be familiar with blogs, and that's ok .. .there's no pressure to put them here. But if you would like to - feel free.


  1. Hi Ladies, I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all and scrapping your photos.
    The group catch up Al sounds like a great idea.
    Cheers Jules

  2. Hello lady's ,
    I'm really looking forward to making this ablum's , it's going to be so much fun ....
    I'm more then happy to catch up for coffee and photo, Just let me know when it's good for everyone and i'll be there .Just lettin g you all know first time user for a blog hoping to get it , before the year's out , Finger's crosss
    Talk soon lady's

  3. lol lol lol lol I'm too funny ,

    The last comment , was from me BEE ,
    I'm so sorry , lol it's going to be a long year
    for you lady's with me aboard , lol xxxxxx
    All every new to me , i'll get there lol MAYBE

  4. Here goes my comment to see if i know how to use this thing. Welcome to each of you ladies and i hope i can do your photos justice (if i cant well at least it has been one of many life's experiences that get thrown at you)
    Catch you all at coffee (and cake)
    Catch ya-Agg

  5. Looking forward to catching up - meeting some of you for the first time and seeing some of you again!

  6. Hey agg and aggie , theres two of you's Following us lol lol lol How did you get your photo on the comment . . . xxx
